Listed v Unlisted Property Trusts

August 27, 2024

Listed v Unlisted Property Trusts

Looking to make a property investment and weighing up listed versus unlisted property trusts?
Here we’ll discuss the benefits of both listed and unlisted property trusts and how to make the right choice for you.

Listed v Unlisted Property Trusts

Listed property funds are those that can be found on the ASX. This means their value can fluctuate daily with market changes. They have the advantage of generally being liquid assets, that is, they can be sold on the open market. These opportunities are aimed at retail investors, rather than Wholesale or Sophisticated investors.

Unlisted property funds are not listed on the ASX and are often illiquid (can’t be sold before the trust term is up).

Benefits of Listed v Unlisted Property Trusts

Let’s take a minute to look at the benefits of both listed and unlisted property funds.

Regular Income for Minimal Investment

Both listed and unlisted property funds offer the potential for a regular, steady income for investors with a relatively low financial investment minimum.

Managed Investment

With either option, you don’t have to worry about the day to day running of your investment. This is something that is done for you, as well as the due diligence (i.e. research) involved in making such an investment.

However, as with all investments, you should undertake your own due diligence, to ensure that the investment is suitable for you.

Tax Incentives

Depending on your financial situation, you may be eligible for certain tax incentives or benefits when investing in both unlisted and listed property funds.

Where to Find the Top Performing Unlisted Property Funds

Amplify Funds Management offers investment opportunities in high yielding commercial property assets, for example, the latest Amplify investment offer, the Fuel and Convenience Trust is based on the acquisition of seven regional fuel and convenience stations and will provide a forecast average return of 8.5%, paid quarterly.

Our comprehensive due diligence procedures ensure that you’ll get the most out of your investment. At Amplify Funds Management we use our expertise to identify investment grade commercial property investment opportunities.

Collectively, the team has over 100 years of experience in investing in commercial property, high yield property investment and diversified property portfolios.

To find out more about the best unlisted property fund for you, contact the experienced team at Amplify Funds Management today:
M: 0407 179 389.

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